I love youuuuuuuu

Thanks to Mill:) and Happy Valentine`s Day!


Eve Piibeleht ütles …
juuuuuu...miskipärast kirjutasin ka ise oma aiablogis täna kutsidest. Aga head sõbrapäeva!
Millie ütles …
Happy Valentine's Day!
Heli ütles …
Dear Mill, all my family was really impressed about this clip:)
Except Bonham... Unfortunately he injured his leg really badly - he just stepped on broken glass and right now he`s in "hospital regime" - it means that he has permit to be all time inside of room. Right now he looks quite sad and worried, but vet said that after one week the wound will be ok.
Millie ütles …
Oh - so sorry to hear about Bonham - I hope that it isn't too painful.. Sending love to all of you.